Contact Information

First and Last Name
Email Address
Do you have your own software engineers who can implement the XML feed? Yes   No

Website & Traffic Description

Your Websites
(one URL per line including http://)
Website Category
Website Description
What are your most popularly searched/clicked "keywords" or "categories"?
(list top 10 with number of "searches" yesterday)
Describe the ways through which surfers will get to see Rearclick advertiser listings.
(include details and example URLs)
How will Rearclick advertiser listings be shown? (provide example URLs of search results pages, text ad units, and application screenshots)
Will you auto-display (e.g. contextual ad units) the advertiser listings without surfer performing a type-in search or clicking a text link? Yes   No
Is all your traffic the result of surfer searches or clicks on text links? Yes   No
Number of unique visitors per month
(provide last month's exact figure)
Number of page views per month
(provide last month's exact figure)
Number of search requests you will send to Rearclick XML-feed per month
% of traffic from USA, Canada, and UK %
% of traffic from other countries %
What other countries provide the remainder of your traffic?
(in order from highest to lowest)
Are you able to geo-filter Rearclick results to prevent them beign shown to surfers from certain countries or with certain browser language settings? Yes   No
What XML-feeds (or other advertiser listing feeds) do you currently use or plan on using in combination with Rearclick?
Do you have your own advertisers (i.e. the ones you bill directly)? Yes   No
Do you have an automated "click fraud" prevention system?
(describe in detail)
Do you have manual procedures to monitor clicks and ensure their quality?
(describe in detail)
How many downstream partners (publishers or affiliates) do you currently have?
What percentage of your total click traffic comes from publishers (as compared to your own properties)? %
What are your top 5 traffic sources?
(provide URLs and descriptions)
List the names of PPC networks from which you are buying traffic
Are you able to block any traffic source based on domain or parter ID (which you will have to pass to Rearclick with each XML-feed request)? Yes   No
Do you participate in any traffic exchanges? Yes   No
Do you or any of your partners use popups or pop-unders to show the search results? Yes   No
Do you or any of your partners participate in Paid-to-Read, Pay-to-Surf, Paid-to-Search or any other incentive programs? Yes   No
Do you want to refer advertisers to Rearclick and earn a commission based on their spending? Yes   No
How did you hear about the Rearclick XML-feed program?
What is your timeline for implementation?

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